Trust&Co advises Manitowoc on its investment in Rio Grande do Sul


State Government welcomes directors from Manitowoc willing to invest R$ 70 million in Passo Fundo.

Benefited from tax breaks, Manitowoc cranes factory intends to generate more than a thousand jobs.

The governor Genro received in the Piratini Palace the delegation of US group Manitowoc, who announced investments of $ 70 million in Passo Fundo. The goal is to set up a factory of high-tech cranes. The Piratini Palace confirmed tax incentives, although the government fights tax war. The company signed a contract with the State, through the Badesul, former Caixa-RS, to finance the venture.

Tarso welcomed the entrepreneur’s initiative, which indicated their willingness to use regional raw material, importing only what is not produced in Rio Grande do Sul. The governor assured that there are still conditions of the regional metal cluster to supply new segment initiatives.

The director of Trust&Co Investmentos, Sergio Maia, said that São Paulo and other states in the Northeast were also interested in the investment. According to Maia, negotiations with the state evolved so much that Rio Grande do Sul jumped from last to first place.

The group aims to bring to the state other investments of the group, as well as expansion of the current plant, which is under construction, estimated to create up to a thousand jobs. The Mayor of Passo Fundo, Airton Dipp, said that the project serves to consolidate the region as a metal cluster, a distinct area from agribusiness, considered the flagship of the state's economy.

The delegation also met with the new president of FIERGS, Heitor Müller. In the first appointment as head of the entity, Müller heard of Manitowoc's intention to become part of the Center of the Rio Grande do Sul Industries (CIERGS).

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